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This website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. By continuing to browse the website, you are consenting to our use of cookies. If you need more information and/or do not consent to the use of cookies, please visit this page.

The cookie is a small piece of information stored on a computer, with the purpose of identifying the corresponding browser during your browsing on websites. The cookies can be used to store data, such as login IDs and user preferences. Any website may send a cookie to your browser, if allowed by the browser settings. A browser allows a website to have access only to cookies it has sent to you, not to cookies from other websites.

As regards cookies and how to use them, this website keeps session cookies which are deleted at the end of your browsing. This website uses cookies for the purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, which is necessary for the provision of an information society service.



The following is a list of the cookies used by this Site with a description of their specific functioning:






End session

Session cookie used to maintain an anonymous browsing session


1 year

Onetrust cookies for the acceptance of privacy cookies


1 year

Onetrust cookies for the acceptance of privacy cookies


For more information about Cookies used on the Site, and to know how to block or restrict them please visit www.aboutcookies.org.   

For general legal information about Chiesi and the use of the Site please see the "Terms of Use" of the Site.