In accordance with the principles of interdependence deriving from the B Corp movement, we aim to constantly involve stakeholders in our sector (political decisionmakers, patient associations, scientific societies etc.) in order to further develop the regulatory and political framework of the countries where we operate to improve levels of assistance for people affected by diseases.
Chiesi has therefore supported and taken part in more than 7 political initiatives, such as #SHOWLEADERSHIP, a campaign run by patients aimed at raising disease awareness and supporting 200 million people in Europe affected by allergies and respiratory airway diseases, or actively participating in the official COP25 conferences in Madrid, where we shared our commitment to the health of patients and the planet.
A further important acknowledgement received by Chiesi in 2019 was the Eurordis Black Pearl Award. This event is held annually in Brussels and recognises outstanding results and work carried out by people who want to make a difference to rare disease communities. Chiesi received the award for its strong commitment, its support for the development of consistent policies and for providing patients with a wide range of treatments and therapeutic solutions for extremely rare diseases.