Πρότυπα φροντίδας: δύναμη για τα πρόωρα νεογνά και τις οικογένειές τους

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Date: 19/12/2014

On Wednesday 10 December 2014 the event of “ILITOMINON” was held at the “Old Parliament”. ILITOMINON is a non-profit association for the care of preterm infants, member of the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI).  The purpose of the event was to publish the efforts made on a European level so as to establish integrated guidelines for the health care of infants in all Member-States and to raise social awareness on such an important issue.


Chiesi Hellas, being aware of the social responsibility we all have toward vulnerable population groups such as preterm infants and their families, was a sponsor of this initiative, supporting the event as the sole sponsor, giving the opportunity to families of preterm infants, volunteer organizations that are active in the protection and health of children, as well as to health professionals in Athens, on the occasion of the 4th International Congress of UENPS, to attend, be informed and respectively become aware of this issue. The keynote speaker of the event was the chairwoman of EFCNI Ms. Silke Mader.